Can we all agree, our world is in a mess. Local, national, global, the core issues are all the same. There are principals that are applicable to all levels, local, national, global. My channel explores these core issues.
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August 16, 1977, I was a victim of an orchestrated car crash. I was one of several victims, and the only one who suffered serious physical injuries. I suffered multiple concussions, permanent nerve and muscle damage, as well as reduced field of vision. Looking at me, you would never know. Memory issues have been a constant challenge since 6th grade. My speech difficulties have made life quite difficult at times. Through all this life long difficulty, I have observed society from a oblique perspective.
This vlog, or whatever you want to call it will be about topics that interests me. I will announce a topic for the next video, at the end of the previous video. God only knows where this will lead. However, God prepared me to share my beliefs. Now is the appointed time.